Cats need to play like all pets. As a parent of an animal, you can provide a variety of play areas either by playing co-op games or by providing your own toys for your cat that will play alone or with another animal. Playing with your cat regularly will help you learn about your pet's personality and deepen your communication.
The Good Cat Is Playing Down
Depending on your cat's age, weight, meekness, and preferences, you may be able to set a location where your cat can roam and climb. Cat trees and scratch posted well for this type of work. If you have a hand in the tools, you can create your own cat gym, or you can find it at your local pet store or online. If your cat is hesitant, you may need to be more involved in the festivities.
Try different tasks
Activities that rehabilitate the cat hunting environment are often the best bet. Mice with small fur are remotely controlled and have a battery power ready to get the cat's attention. Even inexpensive mice are attractive; you will have to make all the movements of the fake mouse using the cord attached to the mouse. In a similar vein, feather toys are a good illustration of birds. They are usually attached to the end of a stick or string so that you can mimic the movements of an injured bird, one of the favorite cat's precautions. Your cat should not be able to reach the feather toys without guidance. They can be very dangerous if swallowed. And everyone knows how many kids love the simple length of the strings. A piece of thick ribbon, shoelace or cord can be swung on the floor or under a closed door (with you on one side of the door and a cat on the other) except for the cat.
A Cat Playing Hidden and Searching
Many cats will grow up with this cord attraction as they grow older, but not all of them. It won't hurt to try your old cat. Just remember to put the rope and ribbons away after the games. Multiple emergency bowel obstruction could have been avoided if the cord had not been left out for the cat to swallow.
Another favorite is the beam of light. If you already have a small flashlight, you can try to get your cat to chase it away. Laser directions are best, because a small ray of light seems to be a small distraction, and cats love to repel bedbugs. Sit down in the light, or your cat may be trying to climb the shelves to catch it and end up with broken knick knacks on the floor. Also, be sure to avoid lighting the beam directly into your cat’s eyes.
Simple things can be fun
Save your cat's fun novel by trying out the things you have in the house. Empty boxes with holes cut into them form large “caves” and scratch the toys, and crumpled paper, especially the type of tissue that makes a lot of noise, is great at beating. Paper bags are fun to go in, too, but avoid plastic bags; you do not want to risk accidental overcrowding. Also: plastic rings, empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls, stuffed animals, etc. Just be aware that no “toys” in your home can be harmful.
Create explosives and climbs
Scratching posts with cat trees entices cats to ride, uses their muscles and naturally lowers their nail points. If you have space, set the cat obstacle course in your home so that your cat can jump from place to place to reach the next bucket. There are pre-made shelf plans that you can find online, or you can create your own program, with floor-to-ceiling shelves with a step pattern. Some people will add a folding shelf around the roof so that their cats can climb up and jump all the way up to find a nice place where they can watch their cat kingdom. If you have a yard, you can build or buy an outdoor enclosure that allows your cat the opportunity to be outside without traffic accidents and other animals.
The Cat in the Cat Tree Plays with the Boy
Finally, if your cat really needs to lose weight, there are exercise wheels. These look like hamsters but are just made for cats! Exercise wheels do not take up much space, and they allow cats to run and run to their hearts.
How to Finish Playing Time
The best time to end a play session after your cat has just got a final “victory” or when your cat has lost interest. In either case, give your cat good compliment for appearing.
Things to keep in mind:
Play a few times each day
Let your cat hold and hold the toy at the end of each game
Offer a variety of toys
At the end of each session, toss the toys with anything that could be dangerous to your cat
Never force your cat to play or be trained